I'm engliihs teacher. But here, i babble...beware.

My photo
Here, are links to lyrics and Mp3's of original songs I write. Also its just a place to yak and put some pictures.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prototype project hoping to get lots of attention in 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference.

Here are some pictures of a recent trip to visit a friend doing an environmental forestry project. It is planned from the society level but across the country, improving damaged aquaculture sites, coral reefs, forests and communities…all messed up from inappropriate and greedy foreign company clear-cutting (THE FEW CITY PICTURES ARE hONG kONG)

Please feel free to comment!!!!!!!! GOOD AND BAD.


Wu Yiting said...

where were u...in the photo? the Philippines?

btw...maybe u can make the size of the photos bigger when u upload them. then we can see them clearly. now they are to small to see.

skronger said...

yes its philippines wt, and thanks for your suggestion, i put the pictures on the largest option.....very good idea

magfish said...

Looks like your in the bocabec of the Philippines Skrong,interesting place.Music is not sounding like you ,must be the far east influences haha.Never stop exploring Skronger,good on ya mate,cheers,Erik aka magfish

skronger said...

Yeah i hear ya about the music...actually tried tomotivate students to add chinese instruments...but but...students will be students. I guess i am stifled by equuipment limitations...my good gear is all in New Brunswick..i think i will re-do all songs maybe this summer with the electric guitar...and Chad offered his percussion versions if we have time for recording in St. Stephen...we will see what the summer brings. Boacabec of Philippines...yes indeed. Eric G i assume?