I'm engliihs teacher. But here, i babble...beware.

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Here, are links to lyrics and Mp3's of original songs I write. Also its just a place to yak and put some pictures.

Friday, August 19, 2011

New toys for new songs....now just to WRITE those new songs....hmmm....where to start?

Various pictures from the Newly bought Guitar, Line 6 HD 300, AKG phones, Keys for activating recording software (no, i can't play like Bobby, i cant play crap on those keys)....etc.  Price of these things aint too much diff than Canada these days.....they take their price from Tom Lee Music....yea, its luxury so no big savings, except the guitar, about 120$ Cdn, of which apparently is made in Beijing but no official Ibanez China factories exist.....even if a fake (i don't think it is), it sounds great.

Other pics...some curious students at the new job university, wonderin why some "whitey" is drinkin beer on lotus river on a hot mid-day when everyone should be sleepin, so they want some typical "whitey" picture poses.  And some pics of friends Lisa and 3D in China south. 

Lots of strange things go by that ARE super cheap, like the gut cart of crockware...all selling for about $1.30 each, or a basket of live chickens, or posters on the street.....