I'm engliihs teacher. But here, i babble...beware.

My photo
Here, are links to lyrics and Mp3's of original songs I write. Also its just a place to yak and put some pictures.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

(2 of 2) New job, Nankai University History Department. Some pictures of the University campus

New job, Nankai University History Department. Some pictures of the University campus (1 of 2 or 3 because sending via gmail)

MPHR (My Precious Human Rights, song to be, fall 2011).  Theme: brazenly step in front of the taxi that refuses a crosswalk stop, smack the smoker billowing puffs of death in your restaurant sitting face, stick your fuck-off finger up the nose of oblivious line jumpers, and kungfooey to the 15 squishing in front of your cafeteria hunger pains, etc.  But, all comes together in the chorus, your most important PHR of all, and to know what that is you'd have to listen 1 time....or....you could just axe somebody.  Im thinking November cause still learnin new recordin software (not in underwear).

Job.  Just spent a few months in the Rooster's eyeball, Harbin China.  Now i take on a new job teaching the St. Andrews dialect (a blend of Deer, Campobello, Grandmanan, Newfie Island and beer English) to History Majors of NanKai University (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nankai_University).  TianJin is a mid Bohai Sea Coastal small town of only about 13,000,000 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tianjin).  Ur welcome to visit.