I'm engliihs teacher. But here, i babble...beware.

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Here, are links to lyrics and Mp3's of original songs I write. Also its just a place to yak and put some pictures.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pictures from a local Zhuhai China tour fishing boat

The catch was close to shore and just intended to grab enough seafood for a feast. So that was done, small whirly like snail critters, and octopi that tried to escape as y’all can see. A rough day it was, and she was wocked fwom side to side, to and fwo, up and down, wound and wound. There were contents of many stomachs flying overboard. Good. Fun. Yeah I was a bit queasy but I been there and done that so held ‘er down bye. I hope the fishers of Canada can check out some of the local fishing gear.


Wu Yiting said...

i went the harbor with my friends a few times but never succeed in going on board...we're too nervous (or shy) to ask the people if we can go on board.
How did you make it...
The photos are interesting.

skronger said...

There were a few activities last fall that were given free to foreign teachers, and the boat trip was one. I realized after the boat trip that the organizers were realestate agents using us for photography advertisement, so i didnt attend anymore "free events".

I have lots of experience on boats in caanda. Maybe participants got very sick because the sea was rough....make sure if you go there is no wind and you should have a nice trip. The boat owners are very friendly, nice people, just like most farmers.