I'm engliihs teacher. But here, i babble...beware.

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Here, are links to lyrics and Mp3's of original songs I write. Also its just a place to yak and put some pictures.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Jackfruit in Sanya (Bo Luo Mi - pineapple honey)

Wish i had a camera....Friday the surf was up...some really big waves for here....kinda scary but fun body surfin for an x-moose hunter.  Then after a night of that, just cross the road to the foreigner's main hangout to watch a band (philippine classic rock cover band are the house).  

Today, me were joggin up za mountain behinda university, and through da bush n treez some people was callin...i figures they was callin fer me as nobody else i dun seen along da road....so in i goed....there was tree farmers...a lady and 2 men.  I bin told the local minority peoples are some friggin hostile becauza their land bein taken for university by da army (same story everywhere in China maybe)...however, even though they all had machetes, i understood thru common non verbal language that they wanted me to eat and were actin downright friendly as Chinese usually does.  They has 3 huge Jackfruits which be by far me favoright fruit This grows in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, North Australia, and here.  In Canada u can get em dried in superstores, last time i saw was in a purplish bag in the fruit section.  

I'v seen it lots up north but its too expensive and not fresh...  I bought some when i first gut here in Hainan a month ago but done found out the hard way that the centre oozes a latex like glue when cut....and not knowing this or how to cut it i kinda glued my lips and sink and hands all together, so y'kno t'was hard to eat with all these tings stuck...  Luckily saliva slowly dissolves it over time.  

Anyways....one is suppose to eat but a little bit of this fruit...but together we ate a whole fruit...which weigh about 15 kg.  They was takin a break from prunin a new orchard of 'em..i guess they was just gonna go t' waste anyways...and they sure made me take one back home with me...which on the market at 4 rmb per half kg would be about 120 rmb ($25 cdn)...second time have been given a bunch of free fruit by farmers...different farm....this to the north, the other to the east. Now waiting fer da new mangos to comes online...and da new papayas and Lychee and star fruit and on and on she goes.

Yin Yang...good comes after the bad.

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